Leucoptera {genus} - Arthropoda; Insecta; Lepidoptera; Lyonetiidae; Cemiostominae;

BOLD Stats

Specimen Records: 431 Public Records: 318
Specimens with Sequences: 313 Public Species: 29
Specimens with Barcodes: 214 Public BINs: 23
Species: 38          
Species With Barcodes: 15          

Contributors (Specimens & Sequencing)

Specimen Depositories: Sequencing Labs:
Sequencing Labs


images representing subtaxa of Leucoptera
 (Leucoptera AcaciaKenya - RMNH.INS.25055)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons – Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2018) Erik J. van Nieukerken-Nauturalis Naturalis Biodiversity Center  (Leucoptera MussaendaTaiwan - RMNH.5007908)  @14 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2015) Unspecified Naturalis Biodiversity Centre  (Leucoptera aceris - BGE_ZSM_LEP_2403)  @11 [ ] by-nc-sa (2024) SNSB, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns ZSM (SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen)
 (Leucoptera adenocarpella - BGE_00582_D01)  @11 [ ] Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike (2024) (2024) Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources  (Leucoptera astragali - BGE_00582_D03)  @11 [ ] Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike (2024) (2024) Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources  (Leucoptera calycotomella - BGE_ZSM_LEP_2408)  @11 [ ] by-nc-sa (2024) SNSB, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns ZSM (SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen)
 (Leucoptera chalocycla - CCDB-15799-D12)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2011) ANIC/CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Leucoptera coffeella - CCDB-30825-D12)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2018) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Leucoptera coronillae - BGE_ZSM_LEP_2409)  @11 [ ] by-nc-sa (2024) SNSB, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns ZSM (SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen)
 (Leucoptera cytisanthi - BGE_ZSM_LEP_2412)  @11 [ ] by-nc-sa (2024) SNSB, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns ZSM (SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen)  (Leucoptera cytisiphagella - BGE_ZSM_LEP_2417)  @11 [ ] by-nc-sa (2024) SNSB, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns ZSM (SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen)  (Leucoptera deltidias - CCDB-15799-E02)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2011) ANIC/CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Leucoptera erythrinella - USNMENT00656941)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2011) Jean-Francois Landry Canadian National Collection  (Leucoptera genistae - BC ZSM Lep 76965)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Unspecified Unspecified  (Leucoptera heringiella - KLM Lep 12338)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2018) Christian Wieser Landesmuseum Kärnten
 (Leucoptera laburnella - CNCLEP00077635)  @14 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2013) CNC/CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Leucoptera lathyrifoliella - MM15547)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Leucoptera lathyrususa - RMNH.5007935)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2015) Unspecified Naturalis Biodiversity Centre
 (Leucoptera lotella - BGE_ZSM_LEP_2421)  @11 [ ] by-nc-sa (2024) SNSB, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns ZSM (SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen)  (Leucoptera lustratella - MM17541)  @12 [ ] No Rights Reserved (2011) Marko Mutanen University of Oulu  (Leucoptera malifoliella - MM14053)  @14 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Leucoptera onobrychidella - BGE_ZSM_LEP_2424)  @11 [ ] by-nc-sa (2024) SNSB, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns ZSM (SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen)  (Leucoptera orobi - MM14883)  @14 [ ] No Rights Reserved (2011) Marko Mutanen University of Oulu  (Leucoptera pachystimella - CCDB-30825-D09)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2018) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Leucoptera plagiomitra - CCDB-15799-E04)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2011) ANIC/CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Leucoptera scitella - CCDB-45174-F02)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2024) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Leucoptera sinuella - MM06192)  @14 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2010) Unspecified Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Leucoptera sp - TLMF Lep 19464)  @14 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2016) Peter Buchner Tiroler Landesmuseum  (Leucoptera sp. ANIC1 - CCDB-15799-G02)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2011) ANIC/CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics  (Leucoptera sp. ANIC2 - CCDB-15799-G05)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2011) ANIC/CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Leucoptera sp1 - BC ZSM Lep 107134)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2019) SNSB, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns ZSM (SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen)  (Leucoptera spartifoliella - BC ZSM Lep 63971)  @15 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Unspecified Unspecified  (Leucoptera sphenograpta - CCDB-30825-E09)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution (2018) CBG Photography Group Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
 (Leucoptera wailesella - NHMUK014584925)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Unspecified Unspecified
  Sample ID:
Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved 
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