Jordanita globulariae {species} - Arthropoda; Insecta; Lepidoptera; Zygaenidae; Procridinae; Procridini; Jordanita;

BOLD Stats

Specimen Records: 68 Public Records: 45
Specimens with Sequences: 60 Public Species: 1
Specimens with Barcodes: 57 Public BINs: 1
Species: 1          
Species With Barcodes: 1          

Contributors (Specimens & Sequencing)

Specimen Depositories: Sequencing Labs:
Sequencing Labs


images representing specimens of Jordanita globulariae
 ( - BC ZSM Lep 51368)  @15 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2010) Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen  ( - BC ZSM Lep 80751)  @14 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2015) Unspecified SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen  ( - BC ZSM Lep 80754)  @14 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2015) Unspecified SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen
 ( - BC ZSM Lep 45312)  @14 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2010) Axel Hausmann/Bavarian State Collection of Zoology (ZSM) SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen  ( - BC ZSM Lep 80755)  @14 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2015) Unspecified SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen  ( - BC ZSM Lep 77093)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2015) Unspecified SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen
 ( - BC ZSM Lep 25383)  @13 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2010) Unspecified SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen  ( - BC ZSM Lep 103129)  @13 [ ] SNSB, ZSM (2018) Dr. Andreas H. Segerer ZSM  ( - KBE 2018518)  @13 [ ] Creative Commons – Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2018) Kai Berggren NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History
 ( - BC ZSM Lep 24892)  @12 [ ] Copyright (2010) Unspecified SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen  ( - ZPPJJglo#001)  @12 [ ] Copyright (2010) Unspecified Crimea State Medical University  ( - ZPPJJglo#002)  @12 [ ] Copyright (2010) Unspecified Crimea State Medical University
 ( - ZPPJJglo#003)  @12 [ ] Copyright (2010) Unspecified Crimea State Medical University  ( - BC ZSM Lep 75780)  @12 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2015) Unspecified SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen  ( - BC ZSM Lep 84387)  @12 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2014) Axel Hausmann/Bavarian State Collection of Zoology (ZSM) SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen
 ( - PPJSsub#013)  @12 [ ] Copyright (2010) Unspecified Crimea State Medical University  ( - PPJSsub#014)  @12 [ ] Copyright (2010) Unspecified Crimea State Medical University  ( - PPJJglo#011)  @12 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2015) Gerhard M. Tarmann Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum
 ( - PPJJglo#012)  @12 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2015) Gerhard M. Tarmann Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum  ( - PPJJglo#007)  @12 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2014) Gerhard Tarmann Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum  ( - PPJJglo#008)  @12 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2014) Gerhard Tarmann Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum
  Sample ID:
CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2014)
  License Holder:
Gerhard Tarmann, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum

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