
Species (485)
  1. Croton A.guadamuz334 [3]
  2. Croton A.guadamuz337 [3]
  3. Croton A.guadamuz387 [3]
  4. Croton Espinoza5705 [3]
  5. Croton Espinoza5737 [3]
  6. Croton abutilifolius [1]
  7. Croton abutiloides [2]
  8. Croton acapulcensis [1]
  9. Croton acronychioides [5]
  10. Croton acutifolius [2]
  11. Croton adabolavensis [2]
  12. Croton adenophorus [2]
  13. Croton adenophyllus [1]
  14. Croton adipatus [1]
  15. Croton adspersus [1]
  16. Croton aequatoris [2]
  17. Croton aff. Subferrugineus [1]
  18. Croton aff. ferrugineus Riina 1467 [1]
  19. Croton aff. fruticulosus BWvE2008 [1]
  20. Croton aff. incanus BWvE2008 [2]
  21. Croton aff. mazapensis var. obtusifolius BWvE2008 [3]
  22. Croton aff. mutisianus Ceron 6188 [1]
  23. Croton aff. nudatus Van Ee et al. 1104 [1]
  24. Croton aff. pachypodus BWvE2008 [1]
  25. Croton aff. ramillatus BWvE2009 [1]
  26. Croton aff. sphaerocarpus BWvE2008 [2]
  27. Croton aff. tenuilobus BWvE2009 [1]
  28. Croton aff. yucatanensis BWvE2008 [4]
  29. Croton agrophilus [3]
  30. Croton alabamensis var. alabamensis [16]
  31. Croton alabamensis var. texensis [11]
  32. Croton alamosanus [1]
  33. Croton alchorneicarpus [1]
  34. Croton alnifolius [11]
  35. Croton ameliae [3]
  36. Croton andinus [3]
  37. Croton andrade-limae [1]
  38. Croton antanosiensis [1]
  39. Croton antisyphiliticus [1]
  40. Croton arboreus [6]
  41. Croton argenteus [3]
  42. Croton argentinus [2]
  43. Croton argyranthemus [7]
  44. Croton argyratus [7]
  45. Croton argyrodaphne [1]
  46. Croton argyrophyllus [4]
  47. Croton arnhemicus [2]
  48. Croton astroites [2]
  49. Croton ater [1]
  50. Croton aubrevilecta [1]
  51. Croton aubrevillei [1]
  52. Croton axillaris [2]
  53. Croton balpladianum [2]
  54. Croton barorum [1]
  55. Croton bastardi [1]
  56. Croton beetlei [4]
  57. Croton bernieri [1]
  58. Croton betulinus [4]
  59. Croton bifurcatus [1]
  60. Croton bigbendensis [2]
  61. Croton billbergianus [12]
  62. Croton bispinosus [1]
  63. Croton bixoides [2]
  64. Croton boiteaui [1]
  65. Croton bojerianus [1]
  66. Croton bonplandianum [4]
  67. Croton bonplandianus [5]
  68. Croton brachypus [1]
  69. Croton bracteatus [1]
  70. Croton bredemeyeri [1]
  71. Croton breedlovei [1]
  72. Croton brevipes [1]
  73. Croton brittonianus [1]
  74. Croton burchellii [1]
  75. Croton caboensis [3]
  76. Croton cajucara [4]
  77. Croton californicus [3]
  78. Croton campanulatus [1]
  79. Croton campechianus [1]
  80. Croton campenonii [1]
  81. Croton capitatus [11]
  82. Croton capitis-york [1]
  83. Croton caracasanus [2]
  84. Croton cascarilla [2]
  85. Croton cascarilloides [7]
  86. Croton cassinoides [1]
  87. Croton catamarcensis [1]
  88. Croton catatii [1]
  89. Croton caudatus [3]
  90. Croton ceanothifolius [1]
  91. Croton celtidifolius [1]
  92. Croton cerinus [1]
  93. Croton cf. brevispicatus Van Ee et al. 1037 [1]
  94. Croton cf. guildingii [1]
  95. Croton cf. lundellii Duran 3367 [1]
  96. Croton cf. lundellii Sima 1839 [1]
  97. Croton cf. lundellii van Ee 123 [1]
  98. Croton cf. lundellii van Ee 451 [1]
  99. Croton cf. olivaceus Neill 11163 [1]
  100. Croton chamelensis [2]
  101. Croton chapelieri [1]
  102. Croton chauvetiae [1]
  103. Croton chichenensis [6]
  104. Croton chilensis [2]
  105. Croton chimboracensis [1]
  106. Croton chlaenacicomes [1]
  107. Croton chocoanus [3]
  108. Croton choristadenius [1]
  109. Croton ciliatoglandulifer [6]
  110. Croton conduplicatus [6]
  111. Croton confertus [1]
  112. Croton consanguineus [1]
  113. Croton conspurcatus [1]
  114. Croton cordatulus [1]
  115. Croton cordiifolius [1]
  116. Croton coriaceus [3]
  117. Croton coriifolius [1]
  118. Croton corinthius [4]
  119. Croton cortesianus [1]
  120. Croton coryi [1]
  121. Croton corylifolius [6]
  122. Croton cotoneaster [1]
  123. Croton craspedotrichus [1]
  124. Croton crassifolius [1]
  125. Croton crenatus [2]
  126. Croton crocodilorum [1]
  127. Croton culiacanensis [2]
  128. Croton cuneatus [3]
  129. Croton cupreatus [2]
  130. Croton cupulifer [2]
  131. Croton curiosus [1]
  132. Croton cuyabensis [1]
  133. Croton daphniphyllum [2]
  134. Croton decalobus [3]
  135. Croton decalvatus [1]
  136. Croton densivestitus [1]
  137. Croton dichogamus [6]
  138. Croton dichrous [1]
  139. Croton dioicus [4]
  140. Croton discolor [4]
  141. Croton disjunctus [1]
  142. Croton dispar [1]
  143. Croton dockrillii [1]
  144. Croton domatifer [1]
  145. Croton draco [17]
  146. Croton echinocarpus [2]
  147. Croton echioides [1]
  148. Croton ehrenbergii [1]
  149. Croton eichleri [1]
  150. Croton ekmanii [1]
  151. Croton elegans [3]
  152. Croton elliotianus [2]
  153. Croton elliottii [2]
  154. Croton emeliae [1]
  155. Croton emporiorum [2]
  156. Croton eremophilus [1]
  157. Croton ericius [1]
  158. Croton erythroxyloides [1]
  159. Croton euryphyllus [2]
  160. Croton fantzianus [1]
  161. Croton ferruginea [1]
  162. Croton flavens [6]
  163. Croton flaviglandulosus [1]
  164. Croton floccosus [2]
  165. Croton floribundus [1]
  166. Croton fothergillifolius [1]
  167. Croton fragilis [1]
  168. Croton fragrans [2]
  169. Croton fragrantulus [1]
  170. Croton francoanus [2]
  171. Croton fruticulosus [8]
  172. Croton fuscescens [1]
  173. Croton geayi [1]
  174. Croton glabellus [2]
  175. Croton glandulosepalus [2]
  176. Croton glandulosus [12]
  177. Croton gomezii [1]
  178. Croton gossypiifolius [4]
  179. Croton goudotii [1]
  180. Croton gracilipes [1]
  181. Croton grangerioides [1]
  182. Croton gratissimus [11]
  183. Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus [1]
  184. Croton greveanus [2]
  185. Croton grewiifolius [2]
  186. Croton grisebachianus [1]
  187. Croton guatemalensis [5]
  188. Croton guianensis [1]
  189. Croton guildingii subsp. tiarensis [1]
  190. Croton gynopetalus [1]
  191. Croton haumanianus [1]
  192. Croton helicoideus [1]
  193. Croton hemiargyreus [1]
  194. Croton heptalon [10]
  195. Croton heteranthus [1]
  196. Croton heterochrous [1]
  197. Croton hibiscifolius [1]
  198. Croton hibiscus [1]
  199. Croton hildebrandtii [1]
  200. Croton hircinus [1]
  201. Croton hirtus [6]
  202. Croton hoffmannii [4]
  203. Croton huberi [1]
  204. Croton humbertii [1]
  205. Croton humilis [8]
  206. Croton hutchinsonianus [1]
  207. Croton hypoleucus [2]
  208. Croton icche [4]
  209. Croton ikopae [1]
  210. Croton impressus [5]
  211. Croton inops [1]
  212. Croton insularis [12]
  213. Croton itzaeus [3]
  214. Croton jacobinensis [1]
  215. Croton jatrophoides [1]
  216. Croton jennyanus [1]
  217. Croton jimenezii [3]
  218. Croton jutiapensis [13]
  219. Croton kerrii [1]
  220. Croton killipianus [1]
  221. Croton kilwae [1]
  222. Croton kimosorum [1]
  223. Croton klotzschianus [1]
  224. Croton kongensis [5]
  225. Croton labatus [1]
  226. Croton laceratoglandulosus [1]
  227. Croton lachnocarpus [14]
  228. Croton laevifolius [2]
  229. Croton lagoensis [1]
  230. Croton lanatus var. tatacuensis [1]
  231. Croton lasiopetaloides [1]
  232. Croton lasiopyrus [1]
  233. Croton laureltyanus [1]
  234. Croton laurinus [2]
  235. Croton lechleri [3]
  236. Croton leiophyllus [1]
  237. Croton leonis [2]
  238. Croton lepidotus [2]
  239. Croton leptostachyus [1]
  240. Croton leucophyllus [2]
  241. Croton leucophyllus var. leucophyllus [6]
  242. Croton levatii [1]
  243. Croton liebmannii [1]
  244. Croton limnocharis [1]
  245. Croton lindheimeri [11]
  246. Croton lindheimerianus [2]
  247. Croton lindheimerianus var. lindheimerianus [1]
  248. Croton lindheimerianus var. tharpii [2]
  249. Croton linearifolius [1]
  250. Croton lobatus [1]
  251. Croton longipedicellatus [1]
  252. Croton longiracemosus [2]
  253. Croton loucoubensis [2]
  254. Croton louvelii [2]
  255. Croton lucens [1]
  256. Croton lucidus [8]
  257. Croton luetzelburgii [1]
  258. Croton lundellii [6]
  259. Croton macrobothrys [1]
  260. Croton macrodontus [2]
  261. Croton macrosepalus [1]
  262. Croton macrostachyus [3]
  263. Croton madadensis [1]
  264. Croton madandensis [3]
  265. Croton maestrensis [2]
  266. Croton magdalenae [4]
  267. Croton magdalenensis [1]
  268. Croton magneticus [2]
  269. Croton malambo [1]
  270. Croton malvaviscifolius [3]
  271. Croton mamillatus [1]
  272. Croton manampetsae [2]
  273. Croton martinianus [1]
  274. Croton masonii [2]
  275. Croton matourensis [3]
  276. Croton mayarum [1]
  277. Croton mazapensis var. obtusifolius [3]
  278. Croton medusae [1]
  279. Croton megalobotrys [13]
  280. Croton megalocarpoides [1]
  281. Croton megalocarpus [8]
  282. Croton megalodendron [2]
  283. Croton megistocarpus [8]
  284. Croton menthodorus [1]
  285. Croton menyharthii [4]
  286. Croton menyharti [4]
  287. Croton meridionalis [1]
  288. Croton mexicanus [6]
  289. Croton miarensis [1]
  290. Croton micans [1]
  291. Croton michaelii [1]
  292. Croton michauxii [2]
  293. Croton michauxii var. elliptica [1]
  294. Croton microcarpus [1]
  295. Croton microtiglium [2]
  296. Croton minimus [1]
  297. Croton monanthogynus [8]
  298. Croton mongue [2]
  299. Croton monoanthogynous [3]
  300. Croton montevidensis [1]
  301. Croton morifolius [4]
  302. Croton morifolius var. brandegeanus [5]
  303. Croton morifolius var. morifolius [5]
  304. Croton morifolius var. sphaerocarpus [2]
  305. Croton multicostatus [1]
  306. Croton mutisianus [1]
  307. Croton myriaster [1]
  308. Croton myricifolius [2]
  309. Croton neomexicanus [2]
  310. Croton nephrophyllus [1]
  311. Croton niveus [18]
  312. Croton nobilis [1]
  313. Croton noronhae [3]
  314. Croton nubigenus [4]
  315. Croton nummulariifolius [1]
  316. Croton oblongus [8]
  317. Croton oerstedianus [3]
  318. Croton olivaceus [1]
  319. Croton organensis [1]
  320. Croton orinocensis [2]
  321. Croton ortholobus [2]
  322. Croton ovalifolius [2]
  323. Croton pachypodus [3]
  324. Croton pachysepalus [1]
  325. Croton palanostigma [1]
  326. Croton pallidulus [1]
  327. Croton paludosus [1]
  328. Croton parksii [3]
  329. Croton payaquensis [6]
  330. Croton pedicellatus [4]
  331. Croton peltoideus [1]
  332. Croton pendens [1]
  333. Croton penduliflorus [2]
  334. Croton peraeruginosus [5]
  335. Croton perspeciosus [1]
  336. Croton phebalioides [3]
  337. Croton piluliferus [1]
  338. Croton piptocalyx [3]
  339. Croton poecilanthus [5]
  340. Croton poilanei [2]
  341. Croton polyandrus [1]
  342. Croton polytrichus [2]
  343. Croton populifolius [6]
  344. Croton pottsii [5]
  345. Croton pottsii var. pottsii [12]
  346. Croton pottsii var. thermophilus [3]
  347. Croton priscus [1]
  348. Croton promunturii [1]
  349. Croton pseudofragrans [1]
  350. Croton pseudoniveus [2]
  351. Croton pseudopulchellus [12]
  352. Croton pulcher [2]
  353. Croton punctatus [7]
  354. Croton pungens [1]
  355. Croton purdiei [2]
  356. Croton pycnocephalus [1]
  357. Croton quercetorum [1]
  358. Croton ramillatus [4]
  359. Croton ramillatus var. magniglandulifer [1]
  360. Croton rarus [1]
  361. Croton redolens [1]
  362. Croton reflexifolius [4]
  363. Croton regeneratrix [1]
  364. Croton repens [4]
  365. Croton rimbachii [1]
  366. Croton ripensis [1]
  367. Croton robustus [1]
  368. Croton roraimensis [3]
  369. Croton rosmarinoides [1]
  370. Croton rottlerifolius [1]
  371. Croton roxanae [3]
  372. Croton roxburghii [7]
  373. Croton ruizianus [5]
  374. Croton sacaquinha [1]
  375. Croton saltensis [1]
  376. Croton salutaris [3]
  377. Croton salviformis [2]
  378. Croton sampatik [2]
  379. Croton sanctilazari [3]
  380. Croton santaritensis [1]
  381. Croton sapiifolius [1]
  382. Croton sarcopetalus [1]
  383. Croton scaber [1]
  384. Croton scheffleri [1]
  385. Croton schiedeanus [15]
  386. Croton schultzii [1]
  387. Croton scouleri [1]
  388. Croton sellowii [1]
  389. Croton serratifolius [2]
  390. Croton setiger [9]
  391. Croton skutchii [7]
  392. Croton smithianus [5]
  393. Croton socotranus [1]
  394. Croton soliman [1]
  395. Croton sonorae [2]
  396. Croton soratensis [1]
  397. Croton sousae [1]
  398. Croton sp. [7]
  399. Croton sp. 1 BWvE-2017 [1]
  400. Croton sp. 2 BWvE-2017 [1]
  401. Croton sp. 3 BWvE-2017 [1]
  402. Croton sp. 4-1 BWvE-2017 [1]
  403. Croton sp. 4-2 BWvE-2017 [1]
  404. Croton sp. 5 BWvE-2017 [1]
  405. Croton sp. 7 BWvE-2017 [1]
  406. Croton sp. 10 BWvE-2017 [1]
  407. Croton sp. 5710 [1]
  408. Croton sp. A BWvE-2017 [1]
  409. Croton sp. B BWvE-2017 [1]
  410. Croton sp. BWvE2009 [4]
  411. Croton sp. C BWvE-2017 [1]
  412. Croton sp. Diaz Camilo 6567 [1]
  413. Croton sp. E BWvE-2017 [1]
  414. Croton sp. F-1 BWvE-2017 [1]
  415. Croton sp. F-2 BWvE-2017 [1]
  416. Croton sp. FU-2528 [1]
  417. Croton sp. FU2528 [1]
  418. Croton sp. G BWvE-2017 [1]
  419. Croton sp. Gonzalez 398 [2]
  420. Croton sp. I BWvE-2017 [1]
  421. Croton sp. K-1 BWvE-2017 [1]
  422. Croton sp. Riina 1429 [1]
  423. Croton sp. sect. Cascarilla BWvE2008 [3]
  424. Croton sp. sect. Cyclostigma BWvE2008 [1]
  425. Croton sp. sect. Eluteria BWvE2008 [2]
  426. Croton sp. sect. Lasiogyne BWvE2008 [1]
  427. Croton sp. van Ee 772 [1]
  428. Croton speciosus [1]
  429. Croton sphaerogynus [1]
  430. Croton spruceanus [1]
  431. Croton steenkampianus [3]
  432. Croton stellatopilosus [5]
  433. Croton stellulifer [1]
  434. Croton stigmatosus [1]
  435. Croton stipulaceus [4]
  436. Croton suaveolens [3]
  437. Croton suberosus [4]
  438. Croton subpannosus [2]
  439. Croton sutup [3]
  440. Croton suyapensis [1]
  441. Croton sylvaticus [6]
  442. Croton tabascensis [3]
  443. Croton talaeporos [1]
  444. Croton tenuilobus [5]
  445. Croton tessmannii [2]
  446. Croton texensis [1]
  447. Croton thomasii [1]
  448. Croton tiglium [24]
  449. Croton tiliifolius [1]
  450. Croton tomentellus [1]
  451. Croton tomentosa [1]
  452. Croton tonduzii [2]
  453. Croton torreyanus [1]
  454. Croton triacros [6]
  455. Croton trichotomus [1]
  456. Croton tricolor [2]
  457. Croton trigonocarpus [1]
  458. Croton trinitatis [4]
  459. Croton triqueter [1]
  460. Croton troncosoi [1]
  461. Croton urucurana [5]
  462. Croton varelae [1]
  463. Croton vatomandrensis [1]
  464. Croton vaughanii [1]
  465. Croton velutinus [1]
  466. Croton verapazensis [1]
  467. Croton verreauxii [3]
  468. Croton virbalae [2]
  469. Croton virletianus [2]
  470. Croton vitifolius [1]
  471. Croton warmingii [1]
  472. Croton watsonii [3]
  473. Croton websteri [2]
  474. Croton wigginsii [1]
  475. Croton willdenowii [2]
  476. Croton wilsonii [3]
  477. Croton womersleyi [1]
  478. Croton xalapensis [2]
  479. Croton xiaopadou [1]
  480. Croton yavitensis [1]
  481. Croton yecorensis [1]
  482. Croton ynesae [3]
  483. Croton yucatanensis [8]
  484. Croton yunnanensis [1]
  485. Croton zambesicus [5]

BOLD Stats

Specimen Records: 1,238 Public Records: 1,099
Specimens with Sequences: 1,445 Public Species: 465
Specimens with Barcodes: 492 Public BINs: 0
Species: 485          
Species With Barcodes: 133          

Contributors (Specimens & Sequencing)

Specimen Depositories: Sequencing Labs:
Sequencing Labs


images representing subtaxa of Croton
 (Croton A.guadamuz387 - BioBot12654)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2010) Daniel H. Janzen Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund  (Croton Espinoza5705 - BioBot01787)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2010) Daniel H. Janzen Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund  (Croton aequatoris - DNAFR000470)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2014) Gujarat Biodiversity Gene Bank, GSBTM, DST, GoG Gujarat Biodiversity Gene Bank, GSBTM, DST, GoG
 (Croton alnifolius - Peru170050)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons – Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike  Unspecified Herbarium of South China Botanical Garden  (Croton arboreus - Alvarez1183)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Gerardo Salazar 2010 Unspecified  (Croton argyranthemus - Gatto56)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons – Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2016) Madalynne Gatto Texas Lutheran University
 (Croton aubrevillei - FHO-PUTUEP330)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2013) Unspecified University of Oxford, Department of Plant Sciences  (Croton billbergianus - BioBot05540)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2010) Daniel H. Janzen Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund  (Croton bonplandianum - MP752)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2013) PHCDBS Paul Hebert Centre for DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity Studies
 (Croton bonplandianus - AUA5YR_3-M13)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Share-Alike (2019) Unspecified AUA  (Croton californicus - CCDB-24940-C11)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2015) SDNHM San Diego Natural History Museum  (Croton campechianus - Mtz27946)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Unspecified Unspecified
 (Croton capitatus - SEBB-539)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2012) John Barone Columbus State University  (Croton chichenensis - Alvarez3019)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Gerardo Salazar 2010 Unspecified  (Croton cortesianus - Alvarez7525)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Gerardo Salazar 2010 Unspecified
 (Croton dichogamus - F10_K1212_Croton_dichogamous)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2014) Dr. Robert Pringle Mpala Research Centre  (Croton dispar - FHO-EP2153)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2013) Unspecified University of Oxford, Department of Plant Sciences  (Croton draco - Velasco675)  @11 [ ] Copyright  K. Hernandez y P. Mendoza 2010 Unspecified
 (Croton euryphyllus - Ge02319)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons – Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike  Unspecified Herbarium of South China Botanical Garden  (Croton fruticulosus - Valdez045)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons – Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2016) Tamara D. Kotin Texas Lutheran University  (Croton glandulosus - Gatto55)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons – Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2016) Madalynne Gatto Texas Lutheran University
 (Croton gossypiifolius - IAvH - VLL222)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2015) Instituto de Investigacion Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH) Instituto de Investigacion Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH)  (Croton gratissimus - OM0547)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Unspecified Unspecified  (Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus - OM4162)  @11 [ ] No Rights Reserved  Unspecified Unspecified
 (Croton hibiscus - IAvH-TRI-LDPH068)  @11 [ ] Copyrigth (2021) Instituto de Investigaciones Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH) Instituto de Investigaciones Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH)  (Croton icche - Alvarez11073)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Gerardo Salazar 2010 Unspecified  (Croton insularis - CNS_CC_6079_A2)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Australia Tropical Herbarium Unspecified
 (Croton itzaeus - Alvarez4568)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Gerardo Salazar 2010 Unspecified  (Croton jutiapensis - BioBot00824)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2010) Daniel H. Janzen Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund  (Croton laevifolius - XM_0696_L)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2015) Cam Webb, Endro Setiawan & Hery Yanto Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University
 (Croton lindheimeri - Kotin35)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons – Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2016) Tamara D. Kotin Texas Lutheran University  (Croton lucidus - Alvarez677)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Gerardo Salazar 2010 Unspecified  (Croton lundellii - Mtz35872)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Grerardo Salazar 2010 Unspecified
 (Croton macrostachyus - DZ187)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Unspecified Unspecified  (Croton madadensis - RL1376)  @11 [ ] Copyright  - Unspecified  (Croton madandensis - RL1539.1)  @11 [ ] Copyright  - Unspecified
 (Croton malvaviscifolius - Alvarez3075)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Gerardo Salazar 2010 Unspecified  (Croton megalobotrys - OM0774)  @11 [ ] No Rights Reserved  Unspecified Unspecified  (Croton megistocarpus - BioBot11388)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2010) Daniel H. Janzen Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund
 (Croton menyharthii - OM2552)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2011) Olivier Maurin University of Johannesburg  (Croton menyharti - RL1363)  @11 [ ] No Rights Reserved  Unspecified Unspecified  (Croton michauxii - OSBAR000183)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2014) Florida Museum of Natural History Florida Museum of Natural History
 (Croton monanthogynus - Lievens6883)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons – Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2016) Savannah Hight Texas Lutheran University  (Croton monoanthogynous - SEBB-1345)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2012) John Barone Columbus State University  (Croton morifolius - BioBot00390)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2010) Unspecified Unspecified
 (Croton niveus - BioBot01116)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2010) Daniel H. Janzen Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund  (Croton penduliflorus - FHO-DB539)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2013) Unspecified University of Oxford, Department of Plant Sciences  (Croton peraeruginosus - Alvarez255A)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Gerardo Salazar 2010 Unspecified
 (Croton pseudopulchellus - RBN262)  @11 [ ] Copyright  - Unspecified  (Croton reflexifolius - UADY23281)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2019) Unspecified Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán  (Croton ruizianus - Peru170212)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons – Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike  Unspecified Herbarium of South China Botanical Garden
 (Croton schiedeanus - Alvarez7341)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Gerardo Salazar 2010 Unspecified  (Croton scouleri - SCE111)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives (2015) Sofia Carvajal Endara Charles Darwin Foundation  (Croton setiger - CCDB-24940-B11)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2015) SDNHM San Diego Natural History Museum
 (Croton sp - Peru18100)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons – Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike  Unspecified Herbarium of South China Botanical Garden  (Croton steenkampianus - RBN364)  @11 [ ] No Rights Reserved  Unspecified Unspecified  (Croton sutup - Alvarez5147)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Gerardo Salazar 2010 Unspecified
 (Croton sylvaticus - OM3408)  @11 [ ] No Rights Reserved  Unspecified Unspecified  (Croton tessmannii - K1353_E2)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2019) Varun Swamy San Diego Zoo Global  (Croton tiglium - DNAFR000097)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2012) Unspecified Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission
 (Croton urucurana - CECOAL-PLANT-048)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial  Unspecified CECOAL  (Croton yucatanensis - BioBot00853)  @11 [ ] CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2010) Daniel H. Janzen Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund  (Croton zambesicus - OM1851)  @11 [ ] Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved  Olivier Maurin Unspecified
  Sample ID:
Unspecified (default): All Rights Reserved 
  License Holder:
Olivier Maurin, Unspecified

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